To Be Or Not To Be
It came to my mind to ask many Syrian kids from different social classes about their hopes, dreams and what do they like to be in future…
When I asked Samir, 8-year-old, “What do you want to be in future?” with full confidence he said “ I ‘m sure I’ll be a plastic surgeon, all people want to look better, I’ll make a great profit from it, I’ll gain a lot of money and I’ll be rich, I also wish to reach the age of 17 because my father promised me to buy me a BMW motorcycle, I’ll not let anyone race me because I’ll be the winner!”
Joudy 10-year-old, she already speaks two languages perfectly in addition to Arabic, she answered me without hesitation; “interior designer, I also love fashion, and yeah I can’t wait till I grow up to do a plastic surgery to my nose, there is something wrong with it, I don’t like it. I also will drive my mother’s car or buy a new one and let little kids sit in the back so I’ll take them to nice places to play.”
Dalia, 8-year-old, I asked her in Arabic but she answered me in English “I want to be a scientist, but for a now I’ve big dream, I would like to fly in the sky where the clouds are all full of sweats and candies, so I can eat them all without having any teeth pain or caries”. A minute of silence… then “Ghalia, can I be more than one thing?” I told her that yes she can, then she added “ I also want to be an artist (I love painting), a school director, an accountant and bar-code specialist, a swim teacher, a traveler, a cook ( I would like to cook a delicious food)”, a shopkeeper… actually her list goes so long… but she ended telling me “ I hope to make them all real”.
Hameed, 9-year-old, I met him in Old Damascus at Souq al-Hamidiyeh, he was supposed to be at school while he was actually working as a goods porter, “What do you want to be in the future?” I asked. He looked at me quizzically, he needs not to say anything, from his reaction I knew that he had never thought of that. “I don’t know, I have to ask my father, he will decide for me, I really don’t know!”
Same as Hameed, Tamer also doesn’t know what to be in the future, he said “Whatever, I’ll be anything, I really don’t know, I do have some wishes, but I’m sure none will come true” he flashed me a smile, then he felt shy, while I felt foolish because I understood what he meant. He has many things to worry about today, tomorrow can certainly wait!.
Abdo, 12-year-old was afraid of me, he answered me cautiously “ I want to be an employee”, “do you go to school?” I asked, “yes, I do, I’m at the sixth grade” you should not leave your school if you want to be an employee” I commented. “I know, I will not” he said. But ironically it was a school time when I asked him while he was selling kind of whistles and balloon for kids.
At last, Fawzi and Khaled seem to be close friends, they both are 11-year-old, I met them coming back from school, they both want to study Islam and be specialist of Islamic law and jurisprudence, “We will be Muslim clerics and we are already studying in an Islamic school that we love it.”
P.S. Those children do not represent the society, each one of them is a unique child with his dreams, hopes, wishes and life to live.
When I asked Samir, 8-year-old, “What do you want to be in future?” with full confidence he said “ I ‘m sure I’ll be a plastic surgeon, all people want to look better, I’ll make a great profit from it, I’ll gain a lot of money and I’ll be rich, I also wish to reach the age of 17 because my father promised me to buy me a BMW motorcycle, I’ll not let anyone race me because I’ll be the winner!”
Joudy 10-year-old, she already speaks two languages perfectly in addition to Arabic, she answered me without hesitation; “interior designer, I also love fashion, and yeah I can’t wait till I grow up to do a plastic surgery to my nose, there is something wrong with it, I don’t like it. I also will drive my mother’s car or buy a new one and let little kids sit in the back so I’ll take them to nice places to play.”
Dalia, 8-year-old, I asked her in Arabic but she answered me in English “I want to be a scientist, but for a now I’ve big dream, I would like to fly in the sky where the clouds are all full of sweats and candies, so I can eat them all without having any teeth pain or caries”. A minute of silence… then “Ghalia, can I be more than one thing?” I told her that yes she can, then she added “ I also want to be an artist (I love painting), a school director, an accountant and bar-code specialist, a swim teacher, a traveler, a cook ( I would like to cook a delicious food)”, a shopkeeper… actually her list goes so long… but she ended telling me “ I hope to make them all real”.
Hameed, 9-year-old, I met him in Old Damascus at Souq al-Hamidiyeh, he was supposed to be at school while he was actually working as a goods porter, “What do you want to be in the future?” I asked. He looked at me quizzically, he needs not to say anything, from his reaction I knew that he had never thought of that. “I don’t know, I have to ask my father, he will decide for me, I really don’t know!”
Same as Hameed, Tamer also doesn’t know what to be in the future, he said “Whatever, I’ll be anything, I really don’t know, I do have some wishes, but I’m sure none will come true” he flashed me a smile, then he felt shy, while I felt foolish because I understood what he meant. He has many things to worry about today, tomorrow can certainly wait!.
Abdo, 12-year-old was afraid of me, he answered me cautiously “ I want to be an employee”, “do you go to school?” I asked, “yes, I do, I’m at the sixth grade” you should not leave your school if you want to be an employee” I commented. “I know, I will not” he said. But ironically it was a school time when I asked him while he was selling kind of whistles and balloon for kids.
At last, Fawzi and Khaled seem to be close friends, they both are 11-year-old, I met them coming back from school, they both want to study Islam and be specialist of Islamic law and jurisprudence, “We will be Muslim clerics and we are already studying in an Islamic school that we love it.”
P.S. Those children do not represent the society, each one of them is a unique child with his dreams, hopes, wishes and life to live.
Ghalia ya Ghalia, I am jealous!! one of the greatest posts on the syrian blog sphere.
Ya heek posts ya balah.
Thank you!!
By Amr T, at 15/2/06 8:01 AM
Hey Ghalia,
I used to ask that questions to my students, and their answers were amazing, I do Remember Joudi and her Cousin Sandra, I think she will make a great designer.
By Zena, at 15/2/06 8:17 AM
Ghalia that was a great post. Always like to hear what the children have to say. They amaze me at times. Guess I just got a soft spot for children.
By Anonymous, at 15/2/06 8:49 AM
Great post Ghalia...Really that was one of the best posts I've read.
By Dina, at 15/2/06 9:22 AM
Good Work Ghalia,
By Unknown, at 15/2/06 11:22 AM
I miss being a kid :(
By Sinan, at 15/2/06 1:44 PM
I know this is repetitive, but I think you need to know how great this post is. Bravo.
By Anonymous, at 15/2/06 7:25 PM
Not bad ;D
By Ihsan, at 15/2/06 7:49 PM
Funny, I'm 34 and I feel exactly like Hameed. Will someone please tell me what I am supposed to be?!?!
Thanks for the great work, Ghalia. I hope all the kids achieve their dreams.
By Anonymous, at 15/2/06 9:31 PM
poor people
By GraY FoX, at 16/2/06 10:53 AM
I like this post ....
But maybe you questioned a small circle of sociatey ,,
I think kids should grow up with an idea of what they want to become .... it will be easier for them in the future to take the right steps.
Nice Ghalia :)
By Hasan Bazerbashi, at 16/2/06 1:14 PM
Amazing read, IMHO it's the best post so far in the whole syrian blogosphere, no contest.
Good work Ghalia ;)
By Anonymous, at 16/2/06 2:32 PM
Truely enjoyed reading this.
It kind of struck me how the two kids in sou2 al hamediyeh answered, as if they dont want to build up hopes and ambitions that they will never reach. Simply to escape the big let down of, reality...
By Anonymous, at 17/2/06 6:26 PM
I love how children are so simple in how they express their emotions and ideas. There is so much truth just pouring out of their expressions and their words. I think I can relate to Dalia the most, I wanted to do everything when I was little!
By Anonymous, at 17/2/06 7:21 PM
Amr, Zena, Chet, Dina, Sam, Sinan, Anonymous, Ihsan, Elengil, Iyad, Baher, thank you all for your nice words…
#Mark, Don’t worry I also feel the same, but aren’t you a journalist?
#Hasan, yeah it is a little circle from society, that’s why I said they don’t represent it. I wish if I asked more, but I don’t know from where to get them!
#Ohoud, I don’t know if it was obvious in the pictures or not, but Hameed, tamer and Abdo were really very poor kids, they already work just to live. :-(
#Queenie, I also relate with Dalia she still keeps the child’s innocence, unlike Samir and Joudy their wishes weren’t simple as expected!
I’ve been asked if it is really their words, actually YES it is, I didn’t add nor omitted anything to it.
By Ghalia, at 17/2/06 8:11 PM
Yes, I agree with Ohoud. It is sad, they are kids and they are already hopeless, they have already been let down many times.
While I would not want this to be an ad for my blog (although it needs some advertising since I just started it), but I have a post that relates a little bit to this. Would love to hear what everyone thinks.
By x, at 17/2/06 8:40 PM
Hi Ghalia ,good job I am ghaith ,i am mad of u cuz u didnt write on me ,if u asked me this quest i would have said that i would be a medicin like my father
nshala next time u would write on me
(just kidding dude) any way its a fantactic job...
By Anonymous, at 17/2/06 9:58 PM
"Don’t worry I also feel the same, but aren’t you a journalist?"
I WAS, until a couple of years ago. Now I'm a marketing professional -- hence the identity crisis. But that's life. I've got a baby boy now (Zade, he's half-Egyptian) and all I really want to be is Abu Zade and I want HIM to be the one to have and achieve dreams. So I guess I can live with being a marketer and no longer a journalist.
By Anonymous, at 18/2/06 1:01 AM
very nice ghalia...
one of the most interesting posts i've ever read!
By Unknown, at 18/2/06 3:19 AM
Ghalia: Yup, ofcourse I noticed that. And thats the sad part,that they prefere not to dream of the future to avoid the pain of never reaching it because of their ...poverty...
By Anonymous, at 18/2/06 8:17 AM
What you have written on these children has really touched my heart. I found a poem by a nine year old girl from Bulgaria that I think says what everybody would like to happen.
I have a dream:
To be all people happy in the world,
We must say ‘Stop’ to war.
No more wars in this world!
No more tears on children’s cheeks.
I don’t want to see pain
And sadness in their eyes any more.
Without peace the birds will not sing,
There will be pain in our hearts.
I want peace in the world.
Preslav Plamenov
Vratza, Bulgaria
Children understand more than we give them credit for and I feel they can teach us probably better than we can teach them. It is sad to see those children that seem to have no hope. A word of encouragement and gaining their trust might just put a glimmer of hope back in them. Keep up the good work.
By Anonymous, at 18/2/06 2:12 PM
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
By The Syrian Brit, at 19/2/06 12:46 AM
This is a truly inspired post. The differences between the dreams of those children are fascinating.. Those differences undoubtedly reflect their different backgrounds and thier different concerns.
I have to say, though, I found one or two of those dreams rather disturbing.. one child wants to be a plastic surgeon because he can make a lot of money, and another wants to grow up so that she can have a nose job!!.. I know that these are only children, but what on earth are we, as a society, putting in their innocent minds??..
Nevertheless, a most fascinating and enjoyable posting..
Thank you and God bless you
By The Syrian Brit, at 19/2/06 12:48 AM
Hi Ghalia! Been sometime since I dropped by and what an entry! I love this interview you had with the kids. May their dreams come true, Inshaallah
By Anonymous, at 19/2/06 11:47 AM
Chère Demoiselle Ghalia,
je trouve votre approche très féminine dans l'entretient que tu as eu avec ces charmants enfants, j'adorre!!
Il est tout à fait logique que votre blog a du succès car beaucoup l'émotion que vous y mettez est fort et sincère...
Je suis persuadé l'émotion est en vous..
Merci pour cette douceur.
By Anonymous, at 21/2/06 1:10 PM
Awesome post and so touching!
After reading it; i realized how much I miss Syria and all those unaccomplished dreams that haunt us all the time.
God Bless you
By Anonymous, at 22/2/06 3:53 AM
Here's a stupid question, but I really would like to know...
Why would a child want to be an islamic cleric?
How could parents allow their young minds to already be wandering that way....towards hate?
By Anonymous, at 22/2/06 9:15 PM
Great post.........
By Sold OUT, at 23/2/06 12:02 AM
Dear Anonymous,
Islamic clerics never mean hate, otherwise it means, love and peace, it’s great for a parents to let their children spread the message of peace and love.
Thank you for your comment, but I urge you not to be prejudice and judgmental before you really know about any subject, how can a heavenly religion be about hate and it is from Almighty God?
Thanks again everybody.
By Ghalia, at 23/2/06 11:32 AM
"how can a heavenly religion be about hate and it is from Almighty God?"
We ask this question everyday to each other. Clerics are the ones to call for deaths, to attack, and to incite terror.
Clerics are the ones with the control over the umma.
By Anonymous, at 23/2/06 9:03 PM
It could be the minority or even less, but maybe because media focuses on them.
It is like everywhere, bad people exists. for example I watched on “Oprah” T.V show that some Christian priests did rape some kids, I didn’t take it for all Christian people and clerics.
Anyways, here is an example of some Muslim clerics Click here.
By Ghalia, at 23/2/06 11:10 PM
So simple yet so deep. Thank you.
By Anonymous, at 27/2/06 12:49 AM
i can't believe he wanted to be an employee...
By Rikki, at 22/3/06 8:33 AM
Salam Ghalia
Lovely post.
We want more interviews with the average Syrian!
By Charming-Damascus, at 27/5/06 12:59 AM
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By Anonymous, at 21/2/07 10:17 AM
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