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Sunday, September 4

Forgotten City Of Brad

the merge between the ruins and their housesIt is located on Leloon mountain on the north west of Aleppo, it goes back to the 2nd BC – 7th AD centuries, and it is considered second largest ancient city in the north of Syria, going there was just like going back into time, the forgotten land this is the first thing occurred to my mind when I was there, a backward neglected ancient city that is still inhibited by people, in between the ruins their simple stone made houses stand there as parts of the ruins itself.
A bunch of kids
Children there gathered around us as if they have never seen other people before, I approached a child and tried to talk to him, but he turned out that he doesn’t understand Arabic, so he called another one and in a minute I was surrounded by a bunch of children, I asked them if there is a school right there, they answered yes, in the school they learn Arabic, while they speak Kurdish or Turkish at home. "What do u know about this place", I asked. "It is old", a child replied. "Yeah I know, but how old is it?" I asked again. Another child answered, "it is very, very old"!!

In the city you can find St. Maron Tomb/ 410 AD the Father of Maronite sect who believed to be buried there, Julianos Cathedral/ 399 – 402 AD which is one of the three largest cathedrals in Syria, it seems that it was built over an old temple, some other chapels, cemeteries, monastery, monk cemeteries, pilgrimages hostel, pillar of stylite, and oil press as it was one of its basic industry.

When I returned home, I tried to search for some information about this city, but unfortunately I didn’t find anything useful about it, as if it never exists at all!

 Partsof the church Parts ofthe church


  • I found your blog at random, and I'm glad I did. I love your pictures. Syria looks so beautiful. Please keep updating so I can learn more!

    By Blogger Perogyo, at 4/9/05 5:52 PM  

  • Great post...
    I read yesterday that the ministry of tourism is going to revive the town of brad. here is the link http://champress.net/?page=show_det&id=2782
    there was a lot of monks who took refuge in the northern part of Syria in early christianity like Simeon the stylite, Sergio (al rasafa). I wish you had more pictures.

    By Blogger Bubidu, at 4/9/05 11:25 PM  

  • Wow, what a coincidence! is it really called Al mudon al mnsiyeh (the forgotten cities)? anyways, thanx for the link, that made me feel happy at least they have remembered it!

    By Blogger Ghalia, at 4/9/05 11:43 PM  

  • it's good to hear that we have like this ancient cities..but it's very sad to hear that we don't use it or at least now it..! and thank you very mush for these information especially in the last two posts.

    By Blogger Z, at 5/9/05 4:30 AM  

  • and look at childern here..that's ...all what I can say:ya 7ram 3lena.

    By Blogger Z, at 5/9/05 4:35 AM  

  • poor kids yet fashionable!

    By Blogger Bubidu, at 5/9/05 7:33 AM  

  • I don't think they looked fashionable kids, they were more scarey than fashinable! I know they look good in the photo!! but in reality they were dirty, scratching their hairs! I don't know they were miserables!

    By Blogger Ghalia, at 6/9/05 12:35 AM  

  • Well done Ghalia, I think the info you have provided are quit sufficient and interesting!

    I have never been to any of the dead cities. Actually, I'm planning a trip there hopefully next month, but wanna cover as many dead cities as I can.

    This post ,however, sheds light on a really serious problem which is the negligence of Syrian heritage by the government, and maybe the people, of Syria.

    Allowing people to inhabit these location means destruction of the sites. Not promoting to these sites, on the other hand, is another crime against the ancient legacy of this country!

    I have always found books talking about our ancient sites that are written by foreigners more than Syrians. It's a shame!

    Try to search the net for Syrian archaeological sites, see how poor the results will come up!!

    Thanx for this important post, Ghalia.

    By Blogger Ihsan, at 6/9/05 8:02 AM  

  • nice post Ghalia ... thanks for the information ..
    by the way guys .. there's a french reasearching ceneter in damascus ... it has got every single detail about each fountain in any damascene house around damascus and inside.. and still they think that we know better... Can you believe that ??

    By Blogger GraY FoX, at 7/9/05 1:01 AM  

  • your intrest in people beside stones is remarkable,I felt as if I were really there with u.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/9/05 1:59 PM  

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